Cybersecurity & COVID-19

As with most major events, some people will try to take advantage of the panic caused by a situation like the current Pandemic for malicious purposes.

We are seeing an increase in all sorts of cyber-attacks, with many referencing COVID-19 in some way, shape, or form. Some examples that have been seen are: Malicious links masquerading as infection spread maps, fake newsletters from large companies, and fake infection screening information or links supposedly for screening information.

Here are some things that you can do to protect your personal information and confidential firm or client information:

  • Be extra cautious when it comes to email.

    • If you are in any way uncertain of an email you receive, please reach out to our Support Center by forwarding it to [email protected] with questions.

  • Be wary of suspicious links.

    • These could be in an email, a website, or anywhere else you encounter a link.

    • You can hover over a link with your mouse cursor to see where it points to before clicking on it - If you do not recognize the site, please do not click on the link.

  • Use firm approved secure remote access methods for working remotely.

    • The WatchGuard SSLVPN Client should already be set up for those who will be working remotely.

  • Use only your organization’s supplied equipment for connecting remotely. Please do not attempt to connect using the VPN from your home computers unless:

    • You have received approval to use your home equipment by your manager or supervisor.

    • We have ensured your anti-virus software is up-to-date, functioning, and there is currently no malicious software on your computer.

As an additional note, Element may be taking extra steps to verify a user’s identity before working on a ticket. This is being done to ensure that we are legitimately working with you to resolve the issue, and not someone else trying to obtain access to your organization’s resources.


Securing Zoom Meetings - Everything You Need To Know


Serving our Clients during Coronavirus